Power in the Stay


I was a classic runner when I was a teen. Now before you think that means sports…stop. What I mean is that I was a runaway. If things got intense at home, I ran. It was never for long but it was definitely my initial reaction to stress. Now you can only imagine what that turned into as I went through high school. I ran to relationships, drinking, drugs, entertainment, adventure, etc. Thank God at twenty I ran into God!

I have found that runner in me still has a small voice in my thoughts at times.  Thoughts of being harmed by others if I don’t get out of intense situations….right now.  Thoughts of being overwhelmed or caught in a situation that I won’t be able to handle (rooted in childhood). I also battle thoughts that bad things will happen to me if I’m alone (also rooted in childhood).  I know as a new creation that these are not kingdom thoughts so I take them captive every time they rise. I replace them with God’s truth.  I don’t think I’m alone in battling this and it’s not even what I set out to write about, but these are the thoughts that have caused me to run.

My point in writing is that even though I don’t physically run away anymore, I have tended to run to other things. Friends, adventures, shopping, Facebook, conferences, worship services, etc. all the while God is saying “please stay here with Me.” It is so natural for me to run so it takes the supernatural to make me want to STAY.  I don’t think I’m alone. However,  I have learned to love the STAY.

I’ve learned in this season how to stay. How to stay in uncomfortable situations, how to stay in relationships when they are challenging. I was always one to drop friends if they betray me without thinking twice. I’ve learned how to navigate communication through disagreements and misunderstandings to see a resolve.  I’ve learned how to forgive. I’ve learned the great reward that comes from staying.

Christian ministry and missions are always asking who will go.  Send me…everyone chants! Answering the question of who will stay is equally as important.

What if what God dreams for you is for you to stay? Stay in that job that drives you crazy. Stay married to someone who is not the same person you married. Stay invested in your kids who disobey, disrespect, and dishonor. Stay in that church where there is no life. Stay in that region that is incredibly dry.

 Not staying to die, but staying to bring LIFE into those situations! 

Do we truly believe in a God who can do the impossible not just in other countries but right here in our country? in our state? region? family? Do we believe that we carry an atmosphere changing Holy Spirit in us everywhere we go? Do we carry a light that invades darkness? even if that darkness has been in every generation before us? Are we prepared to be the ones who draw the line in the sand and say NO MORE, take a stand, and watch God turn it all around in those areas…all for His glory?

What happens if everyone goes and nobody STAYS? There is a special reward for those who feel led to and choose to STAY.

Sometimes staying is the stepping out of that comfort zone that we are challenged to do instead of taking a missions trip to another country. Sometimes THERE IS POWER IN THE STAY.

I’m not saying everyone who is in these situations are meant to stay in them. Some are most definitely meant to GO, but make sure when you GO it’s NOT because you are running away from something you don’t want to face. The enemy loves to distract us from the things that are on God’s heart. Don’t let him.

The most important STAY is to STAY in His presence. Lock eyes on Jesus, spend time with Him and in the Word. Then you will know if you are meant to STAY or GO.

The Rising Resistance


The things coming against you are making you stronger whether you realize it or not. Much like David had no clue that killing the lion and bear were part of his training and was building his strength and confidence in who God was to him and through him.

God is raising a people who are resistant to the enemy’s taunts and very aware of the snares laid in their path. They have been trained in the wilderness and much like David it has brought much confidence in the faithfulness of God and in His mighty power in their lives. They will not be flattered, distracted, or enticed by what is shiny. They know without a doubt that not all that glitters is gold. They have had much exposure to “fools gold” through their lifetime. They will not be enticed by the spotlight or fame, in fact, they will resist that too.

They have found the power in intimacy and when they flow and move it is straight out of the Fathers heart. This empowers them to not fall for a counterfeit. They are entwined with the Genuine.

These resisters have been exposed to much on their journey and they have fought many battles that they wish they could have avoided. It has all been strategic. We needed training as to what deserves our attention and what is merely an illusion and meant to distract us. They have learned to fight with the weapon of the Word as a sword and wield it skillfully. They have learned kingdom ways and developed kingdom character.

When a drill instructor is screaming horrible things in the military recruits face the recruit eventually learn to not react at all …no matter what. They are taught to handle stressful situations with a complete calm assurance. They are being taught resistance and endurance. We are being taught the same thing in this season. When the enemy is shouting in our faces we need to know when to address it and when to simply rest in the truth of Who we carry on the inside of us.

When people like nurses and doctors work in germ filled environments they end up resistant to the germs after awhile. When we get immunizations we are exposed to the very thing we are wanting to avoid. We end up resistant to the disease.

God is using it ALL. What you believe is evil and most definitely not of Him might just be your lion or bear building your strength and resistance.

**Remember…. Romans 8:28- He works ALL things together for our good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

Genesis 50:20- What the enemy meant for evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people.

The Rain Comes After You

Sometimes THE RAIN COMES AFTER YOU….I pondered these words I heard in my spirit one morning.

As we forge ahead taking and breaking new ground we can grow quite weary. Sometimes we will get glimpses of inspiration from what we see ahead, but sometimes it’s just desert and tumbleweeds we see before us, and it’s what we leave in our wake that rallies us onward. Just because we don’t see it happening doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

One day, a couple years ago, I had prayed for a server at a local restaurant because he was having back pain. I left there not knowing if there was any improvement in his back. It wasn’t until a week later I found out his back pain had disappeared five minutes AFTER I had left that day.

 We don’t always see our impact in this world much like George Bailey in “Its a Wonderful life.” I pray God gives you a glimpse of the beauty that is in your wake as you pass through this world everyday. We are sowing and building for more than just the present, we are building a legacy.

I had a dream months ago about walking in a dry desert area with no growth because of no rain. The storms were raging and the ground was cracking beneath my feet and i heard the Lord say. .. scatter your seed. So I did even though out seemed pointless.

I had been walking in my dream for miles when I heard the voice again saying to turn around. When I turned around I saw miles of beautiful flowers behind me. The rain had come after me to water the seeds I had sown and it brought forth a beautiful field of flowers.

Be encouraged! Keep sowing! Keep loving! You’re building a legacy. Sometimes you will see the rain fall on what you do right away, but sometimes… many times, THE RAIN COMES AFTER YOU.